So you wanted to become a computer programmer. Maybe, you want to have flexibility in your job schedule and find your way towards a more lucrative career. Give the number of opportunities for computer programmers, web designers and developers who are knowledgeable of coding, now is the time to learn a computer language. But of course, how exact are you going to maximize learning a new language?
Practice for 10,000 hours
Learning computer programming is like a new language. It is imperative that you practice over and over again. You will be surprised by how you are going to improve your overall fluency in a computer program once you’ve logged in 10,000 hours of practice.
Do things manually
There are many tools that you can use in order to make programming smoother. However, if you are only beginning to learn how to code, it is a good idea that you don’t take any type of short cut. Short cuts can be detrimental to your overall learning curve. By doing things the hard way such as using a Notepad instead of a computer program, you will be able to write a code, and check parts that are wrong.
Do not hurry
It takes a while to learn how to code. This is a reality that you need to consider. If you are really serious about getting better, don’t put too much pressure on yourself considering the fact that different people will have a different learning curve.